Free osCmax Hosting!

To help showcase osCmax and hosting on SaferCloud, there are a limited number of free osCmax e-commerce hosting accounts available.

Yes, free as in no financial cost to you: a limited cPanel feature set and available space, otherwise you can run a complete online e-commerce store using this package. If required, upgrade at a future date to a complete Hosting Plan or Maintenance Plan.

Free osCmax hosting is strictly limited to osCmax use only and no other use will be permitted. Using cPanel and Softaculous, it's possible to install osCmax 2.5 in a matter of a few minutes - enter a few details and it will automatically install for you! To keep costs low, very little support will be provided for this package, other than the initial setup. There is an active forum that can be referred to for assistance, in addition to a growing wiki, for online documentation.

If you have any thoughts on trying osCmax out, then now is the time to act! There are very limited slots available and it's first come first served. Your site will be hosted on a reliable, secure and finely tuned Cloud VPS instance. There are no tie-ins and you have full access to your files and database, so if you wish to move your site elsewhere, then there is nothing to stop you - though it's hoped that you will stay with Safercloud!

What's not to like? Try it today


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osCMax Information

The highly uprated version of osCommerce 2.2
"osCommerce with teeth"

osCMax 2.0.25 is the previous stable public release of the package.

It contains masses of bug fixes over previous releases, which pushes it well beyond the
standard installation of osCommerce. In addition, there have been a few feature enhancements, not least of which, to image handling capabilities.

With this release, the software has support for PHP 5.3, in addition to the more common PHP 5.2. This will provide compatibility with this programming language for
quite some time to come.

As an osCMax Team Member and frequent forum 'helper', ejSolutions (aka Ridexbuilder) is able to provide a quality service for the installation and support of osCMax.

Though web design is not a core competence, ejSolutions can provide customised templates to give your site a unique look.

The main target of work, is in the efficient smooth running of the e-commerce aspects of your website - products, payments, orders, shipping/postage and other
business related matters.

My clients benefit from custom coding, often released to the osCMax community where appropriate.

osCmax 2.5 - the new era.

Substantial upgrades and alterations have been done with this version, at version 2.5.3 at time of writing. Clients are already realising the benefits from the 2.5 series release and its' rich feature set makes for a pretty complete webstore application. Image handling is further enhanced along with substantial additions/features to both front-end (store) and back-end (Admin.).

For people who wish to stay with the more stable release (and traditional osCommerce 2.2 look), an unofficial osCmax 2.0.35 can made available.

Click here for further info on osCmax and osCommerce in general.