This is the final release of the 2.0.x line of osCmax e-commerce, prior to the introduction of osCmax 2.5
Although available directly from, via an SVN client, it is made available here without the .svn files, until it is officially released.
[if you use this please show your appreciation at the osCmax forum.]
Advantages over osCmax 2.0.25: bug fixes and a few of the features enhanced.
Advantages over osCmax 2.5: easier migration from osCommerce and easier to integrate osCommerce contributions.
Disadvantages: as an 'end of line' package the included feature set is now fixed and is in a maintenance/bug fix state. It is however built on a stable base, unlike the current osCmax 2.5.x, which is still very volatile in terms of development.
[Personal views/experience are expressed here and do not form the 'official' osCmax standpoint.]