Slimbox is upgraded to version 2.04 and jQuery to 1.4.2 - minified versions of both are used, to improve performance.
Additionally, ten new configuration options are made available to the Admin. console. This enables the popup animation effects to be altered or indeed, disabled.
osCMax 2.0.xx Slimbox Upgrade
- 28 July 2010, 13:17
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osCMax Text Imprint
- 18 July 2010, 18:55
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Ported from the osCommerce contribution of the same name, for osCmax 2.0.25
Hopefully a stop-gap measure to provide text input (should be implemented via Option Type Feature)
For further information on the background of this modification, refer to the osCmax forum, searching for Option Type Feature (OTF) and/or Text Imprint.
Previously available for osCmax 2.5 though made available for a small donation - this is now withdrawn due to too many issues with it.
osCMax International Table Rate Shipping Module
- 26 June 2010, 10:57
- Permalink
Adds an additional Table Rate, so that the existing one can be used for domestic post and this one used for international.
Simple to install and modifies no existing files (adds entries to the configuration database table).
osCMax First Plus Zones Shipping Module
- 27 May 2010, 13:11
- Permalink
Derived from the osCommerce module of the same name.
Made available for a small donation (say, £10 GBP) - just specify in the comments that you wish this file. A link will be supplied by email.
No guarantees or warranty of any kind. Donators get a free website link to them - just supply the link.
osCMax Phone Orders
- 26 May 2010, 00:33
- Permalink
Very simple to install module to allow customers to register, place an order, then phone to make payment.