osCmax 2.0.x Wholesale Contact Form

Ported from osCommerce, with 'Max specific instructions.
I was asked to do the port by a 'Max forum member and it didn't take too long, so it's presented here for anyone who cares to give it a go.
Non-osCmax-specific support will be limited, so you're better off looking to the original osC forums for this contribution version. Basically, it's a clone of the Contact Us page, with customisable fields via editing of the php files - I added a few notes to assist with this, in the readme file.

This contribution will likely have a limited lifespan due to the upcoming release of 'Max 2.5.

Download osCmax 2.0.x Wholesale_Inquiries

By ejsolutions Last updated: 5 July 2011, 19:35


If you appreciate the information/files provided here, then please...

osCMax Downloads

Some have now been incorporated into the main public release of this excellent ecommerce package.
Normally, it is advisable to check the osCMax forum for discussions about a particular contribution, as no (free) assistance is given here.

Files are presented here, mainly to

  • show ejsolutions' efforts to hopefully improve osCMax
  • try to encourage donations for the effort involved, inspiring further projects
  • provide a historic trace of contributions
  • (possibly) provide exclusive additions/contributions/hacks

In many cases a file here is based on previous work by contributors to both osCMax and osCommerce. Their credits/comments are normally left intact in the files, where appropriate.
As is the case with all Open Source software, by downloading/installing the supplied files you are taking full responsibility for their intended use. No warranties apply.

Image Resize using

Download the Tutorial
Geared for oscMax but easily adapted.

osCMax Information

The highly uprated version of osCommerce 2.2
"osCommerce with teeth"

osCMax 2.0.25 is the previous stable public release of the package.

It contains masses of bug fixes over previous releases, which pushes it well beyond the
standard installation of osCommerce. In addition, there have been a few feature enhancements, not least of which, to image handling capabilities.

With this release, the software has support for PHP 5.3, in addition to the more common PHP 5.2. This will provide compatibility with this programming language for
quite some time to come.

As an osCMax Team Member and frequent forum 'helper', ejSolutions (aka Ridexbuilder) is able to provide a quality service for the installation and support of osCMax.

Though web design is not a core competence, ejSolutions can provide customised templates to give your site a unique look.

The main target of work, is in the efficient smooth running of the e-commerce aspects of your website - products, payments, orders, shipping/postage and other
business related matters.

My clients benefit from custom coding, often released to the osCMax community where appropriate.

osCmax 2.5 - the new era.

Substantial upgrades and alterations have been done with this version, at version 2.5.3 at time of writing. Clients are already realising the benefits from the 2.5 series release and its' rich feature set makes for a pretty complete webstore application. Image handling is further enhanced along with substantial additions/features to both front-end (store) and back-end (Admin.).

For people who wish to stay with the more stable release (and traditional osCommerce 2.2 look), an unofficial osCmax 2.0.35 can made available.

Click here for further info on osCmax and osCommerce in general.